Opening Pistachios Sucks and Why That’s Great For Us
Random fact: Did you know that Iran is the top pistachio producing country in the world?
As many of you know, there are many proven health benefits to eating pistachios. According to my trusty source, Wikipedia, pistachios reduces bad cholesterol and increase antioxidant levels. But the most important reason why I think (shelled) pistachios are great snacks is because you have to crack them open. You can’t just eat them by the handful! And if you’re lazy-slash-ADD like me, you get sick of cracking those suckers open pretty quickly, and hence, natural throttle on your snack calorie intake!
We should applaud snacks that have difficult packaging, and maybe we should start Saran Wrapping all snacks into bite size pieces. Hmm, maybe I use the CD plastic wrap technology for snacks, market to dieters, and boom, I’m a billionaire!
[And is it me or does the word “pistachio” look weird when spelled out?]