Launching Peak Hotness: Part Deux (100 Days til Wedding)
In 100 days, I’ll be getting married.
One would think that you would feel major peak hotness levels during this engagement period, but quite the opposite happens.
Before meeting my fiance Jared, I achieved “Peak Hotness 1.0” — I lost a ton of weight, was going out, having fun, meeting lots of people, and had loads of positive energy.
After I met Jared, the love pudge came on. I was able to ward it off for a good 6 months, but could not hold it off much longer. I had a partner in life and a partner in food crimes. He wanted to eat donuts, so I would say why not! He wanted pizza, me too! By the time we got engaged in December 2012, I gained back 10 lbs. Peak Hotness 1.0 was partially gone.
Don’t get me wrong, the happiness was still there. I found my life partner. Now that Wedding Date (November 2014) is upon us, now comes “Peak Hotness v. 2.0”! I gotta look hot in my wedding dress! You spend a ton of money on a photographer, and these photos are for life. I want to look HOT. Not just hot, Peak Hotness Hot.
So, I’ve been whittling away at the weight I’ve gained with the help of my trainer. The main thing right now is that my trainer is starting to wean me off certain foods. Part 1 is cutting out processed sugar 95% of the time – that means no flour, cereal, pizza, cake, soda (including diet). This phase doesn’t seem too bad for me because I already don’t ingest most of this stuff on a regular basis. I’m a major popcorn and chip fiend though, so let’s see how cranky I am in a few days.
I want to get to my ultimate weight goal of 135 lbs. I’m currently at 143 (thanks to my Chicago weekend) and the closest I’ve been is 140. I’ve got a big push ahead of me over the next 100 days — both physically and emotionally! Through this process, I plan to share what I learn — training tips, recipes, etc. Wish me luck!